Click on the GREEN links below for some excellent resources!
Look up book levels, quiz numbers, and points for AR testable books (not just KES library books). Also, for the younger students, this is where you can see if a book has “recorded voice” (RV) quizzes Which means the quiz is read aloud and students can use headphones.
You can keep up with your child’s progress at home. A letter went home at the beginning of the school year on how to access it.
This is a link to our KES catalog. Click here to search and find books in our library.
Features the entire World Book Encyclopedia, a dictionary, videos, eBooks, maps, and much more! From home: Login: ouachita Password: pelican
To access from home- Password: pelican
Homework Tutoring provided by the State Library of Louisiana
Please encourage your child to read 15-20 minutes EVERY DAY!!
Rebecca Walker, Librarian